
Showing posts from September, 2022

questions that would be based on while making the petition judgements

  As the Judges retire to make judgements,The Supreme Court, consolidated the petitions into 9 questions.  The answer to these questions can uphold or nullify Ruto's victory. With your indulgence, let's look at each... 1. Did Ruto get 50%+1?  The custodian of figures (IEBC) not only showed what the official turnout out WAS, but also how they arrived at it...and since the petitioner's don't have a contrary source of turnout figures, the matter rests. The petitioners are yet to provide a single proof that Raila's votes were added to Ruto.  2. Was the technology used up to standard? Wasaredo argued that the technology failed by a lot hence didn't meet the legal standards. The evidence shows that out of 46,229 only about 200 kits failed. That's  99% success.  Also, over 99% of the form 34As were successfully uploaded to the portal. 3. Was the IEBC portal hacked? Githongo himself disowned the forgery he submitted to the Apex Court. Nyagaya's  affidavit simply


Kenya African National Union (KANU) Members of County Assembly have welcomed the move by Tiaty Member of Parliament William Kamket joining Kenya Kwanza yesterday. Speaking to the press , the MCAs lauded the move saying politics is not about enmity but interests towards serving the electorate assuring unwavering support to President elect William Ruto and his bottom up agenda going forward. Kamket who has been a harsh critic of William Ruto was welcomed by Ruto at his Karen offices ,Nairobi ending the political differences the two had been having since the start of 2017. Tirioko Ward Member of County assembly Sam Lokales backed the move assuring that it will go along way in transforming the region which has been affected by insecurity adding that Ruto understands issues affecting the people of Tiaty. Loyamorok Member of County Assembly said that despite supporting Azimio coalition in just concluded elections ,Kamket has shown them the way and they don't have a reason for not support